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Higher Education

The Active Reader, Third Edition: Chapter 5

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) The author’s purpose in writing the essay
b) Your purpose in reading the essay
c) The audience for which the essay was intended
d) All of the above

Question 2:

a) How much do I know about this topic?
b) What questions do I have about this topic?
c) What are my views on this topic?
d) All of the above

Question 3:

a) reading closely and carefully
b) scanning the article
c) making notes of key points from the article
d) All of the above

Question 4:

a) Inferring
b) Annotating
c) Scanning
d) Studying

Question 5:

a) When reading to determine whether an essay is related to your topic
b) When reading to use the text as a secondary source in your essay
c) When reading to respond or analyze
d) All of the above

Question 6:

a) Get the overall gist of a text
b) Look for specific content
c) See how long the article is
d) Memorize

Question 7:

a) They encapsulate the main idea of a paragraph.
b) They offer supporting evidence for claims.
c) They provide transitions between ideas.
d) All of the above

Question 8:

a) True
b) False

Question 9:

a) Reading is interactive.
b) Reading is passive.
c) Readers approach texts in similar ways.
d) None of the above

Question 10:

a) The rhetorical pattern of a paragraph
b) The main idea of a sentence
c) The relationship between ideas
d) None of the above

Question 11:

a) It is often suggested by its context.
b) It is always found in a dictionary.
c) It is irrelevant.
d) It is impossible to know the true connotation of a word.

Question 12:

a) True
b) False