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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter Four

Student Self-Grading Multiple Choice

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1. Paragraphs should __________.

a) only conclude an essay
b) always provide a thesis
c) introduce an important point
d) none of the above


2. __________ introduces the main idea of a paragraph.

a) The paragraph wrap
b) The topic sentence
c) The conclusion
d) All the above


3. A paragraph wrap __________.

a) reminds the reader what the paragraph is about
b) introduces the main idea or point
c) develops the important point or points
d) none of the above


4. Well developed paragraphs __________.

a) state the main point
b) reinforce the main idea
c) lead the reader to the next point
d) All of the above.


5. A topic sentence could anchor thought in __________.

a) the middle of the paragraph
b) the beginning of the paragraph
c) the end of the paragraph
d) all the above


6. It is often easy to locate a paragraph that has __________.

a) more than one idea
b) an off topic sentence
c) all the above
d) none of the above


7. Coherent paragraphs require that a writer’s thinking be __________.

a) logical
b) artistic
c) personal
d) none of the above


8. Conversely, despite, and however are transitions of __________.

a) summary or conclusion
b) contrast or qualification
c) emphasisent
d) cause and effect


9. Finally and in conclusion are transitions of __________.

a) summary or conclusion
b) cause and effect
c) sequence and addition
d) none of the above


10. That is and particularly are transitions of __________.

a) limit or concession
b) emphasis
c) summary or conclusion
d) none of the above


Short Answer Questions

1. In a paragraph, the topic sentence introduces the __________ and is therefore usually the most __________ sentence.


2. Paragraphs serve the specific functions of __________ an important point and __________ that point.


3. Paragraphs always have a __________, __________, and an __________.


4. A paragraph wrap can be a satisfying way to __________ a paragraph and __________ the reader what the paragraph is about.


5. Strong paragraphs state the main idea, __________ it, and __________ it.


6. Paragraph unity is established through __________, __________, and __________.


7. Paragraphs that contain more than one __________ or an off-topic __________ are often easy to identify.


8. Charles Dickens’s introduction to A Tale of Two Cities is an example of __________, which helps a writer achieve __________.


9. Although very helpful, transitional words and phrases can be __________ and __________ the paragraph.


10. Although useful, a transitional word or phrase is not a __________ for a link in __________.
