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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter Sixteen

Student Self-Grading Multiple Choice

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1. 1. Most often, the subject of a sentence is a pronoun or noun that performs ________.

a) the action of the verb
b) the action of the adjective
c) the action of the adverb
d) the action of the object


2. 2. Indefinite pronouns refer to ________.

a) groups
b) nonspecific individuals
c) nonspecific objects
d) A and b only
e) A and c only


3. Problems in pronoun-antecedent agreement apply to ________.

a) adverbs
b) personal pronouns
c) numbers
d) articles


4. If the pronoun lacks an apparent noun antecedent, the writer has committed the error of ________.

a) broad reference
b) remote reference
c) no reference
d) None of the above


5. If a writer expects the reader to connect a noun to a pronoun when each component is separated by more than a sentence, the writer has committed the error of ________.

a) remote reference
b) no reference
c) broad reference
d) None of the above


6. If the pronoun refers to two or more nouns and the antecedent is unclear, the writer has committed the error of ________.

a) broad reference
b) remote reference
c) ambiguous reference
d) None of the above


7. Personal pronouns refer to ________.

a) inanimate objects
b) persons
c) thoughts
d) opinions


8. When questioning whether to use who or whom, the reader can find the answer in the ________.

a) clause introduced by the pronoun
b) preceding sentence
c) following sentence
d) None of the above


9. Dangling modifiers are sometimes called ________.

a) hanging modifiers
b) dangling participles
c) hanging participles
d) None of the above


10. Coordinate elements are ________.

a) unequal elements
b) equal elements
c) Both the above
d) None of the above


Short Answer Questions

11. Many errors in pronoun–antecedent agreement apply to personal ___________ and pronouns in the ___________ form. It is important to keep in mind that a pronoun must agree with its ___________ noun in number.


12.A writer may be embarrassed by the outcomes of ___________ or misplaced modifiers because the intended meaning of a clause or sentence can become obscured to very confusing ends. The former error tends to appear at the ___________ of a sentence, while the latter appears at the ___________.
