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Edited by Tracey J. Kinney

Conflict and Cooperation: Documents on Modern Global History
ISBN 13: 9780195422115

About the Book

Conflict and Cooperation is a collection of primary documents for the study of twentieth-century history. The twentieth century was profoundly shaped by war. We saw, for the fist time in human history, the possibility of a war that could destroy all human life on earth. However, this was also the century that witnessed genuine attempts to build cooperative global institutions designed to prevent war, to facilitate international communication, and to improve the human condition. Conflict and cooperation are the defining themes that weave together this collection of primary documents. The readings have been selected with the goal of making twentieth-century history accessible to students for whom these events are increasingly distant. The primary documents allow students to 'witness' essential moments in history through the words of the men and women who participated in and experienced these events.

  • 133 different documents, which introduce students to a wide variety of historical perspectives
  • Includes Canadian content where relevant
  • Contains a diverse and balanced collection of documents
  • Chronological and thematic organization gives students the opportunity to identify the crucial themes of the twentieth century

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