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Harm de Blij, Cathy Conrad, and Peter Long

Physical Geography: The Global Environment, Canadian Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195425451

About the Book

Set against the backdrop of human interaction with the environment, this classic overview of physical geography offers comprehensive treatment of Earth's five major components:the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, the cryosphere, and the biosphere.

The highly anticipated first Canadian edition of Physical Geography: The Global Environment incorporates Canada's exceptional geographic diversity while retaining the international scope of the original version. This edition adds a wealth of Canadian information on topics ranging from wind patterns to landscape types, permafrost to drought, and water use to soil classification, to name just a few. The result is a comprehensive and authoritative text that is truly global in scope.

  • A carefully balanced treatment of Canadian and international data and examples

  • A captivating, up-to-date art program includes unique Canadian images and maps

  • Two entire units devoted to the Canadian soil classification system

  • Up-to-date coverage of plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, and the debate over global climate change

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