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Kevin S. Hanna

Environmental Impact Assessment: Practice and Participation
ISBN 13: 9780195419283

About the Book

Environmental Impact Assessment: Practice and Participation provides and essential introduction to the evolution and practice of environmental impact assessment in a Canadian context. The Canadian setting is particularly representative of the lasting influence of EIA the diversity of issues EIA processes now address, and the more complex definition of environment that many public agencies must now consider. The federal and provincal governments in Canada each have their own EIA system, and as the later chapters in this book illustrate, despite some commonalities of these systems, they can vary substantially in what they cover and to whom they apply.

  • Covers the essential process of EIA
  • Addresses Canadian laws and regulations, including detailed profiles of each provincial and territorial jurisdictions' particular EIA legislative context
  • While their are many issues and aspects that specifically address distinctive contextual conditions in Canada, many are generic and relative to the EIA process in general
  • Provides interesting case studies that illuminate the wide ranging influence of EIA considerations and impacts for provincal and federal governments
  • Provides insight into the challenges and future opportunities for EIA practice in Canada local peoples with scientific

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