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Higher Education


Robert Cribb, Dean Jobb, David McKie and Fred Vallance-Jones

Digging Deeper
A Canadian Reporter's Research Guide, Second Edition

ISBN 13: 9780195432305

About the Book

This comprehensive guide to investigative techniques provides journalism students with practical tips for finding information both on and off the public record in Canada. Written by a team of award-winning journalists, the text outlines how to develop story ideas, research strategies, pitch stories to editors and producers, and turn raw information into compelling investigative reports for print, radio, and television. Designed to encourage students to think independently and develop sound research techniques, the authors show how journalists can escape the 'spin cycle' by deciding for themselves what is newsworthy and finding their own sources of information. Digging Deeper is an indispensable resource for journalism students that will serve as a valuable reference guide throughout both their education and their careers.

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