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Higher Education

Communicating for Results, 2e: Chapter 1

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the "Submit my answers" button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) have fewer middle managers
b) have shorter communications chains
c) require all individuals to be skilled communicators
d) All of the above.

Question 2:

a) rhetorics
b) semantics
c) semiotics
d) cybernetics

Question 3:

a) encoding
b) recruiting
c) a channel
d) decoding

Question 4:

a) verbal communication
b) written communication
c) non-verbal communication
d) telephone communication

Question 5:

a) upward communication
b) downward communication
c) vertical communication
d) horizantal communication

Question 6:

a) Mechanical interference
b) Channel overload
c) Information overload
d) Emotional interference

Question 7:

a) biases
b) exaggeration
c) rights violation
d) honesty

Question 8:

a) direct communication
b) non-verbal communication
c) politeness strategies
d) shared cultural meanings

Question 9:

a) permitted on Facebook
b) called libel
c) called plagiarism
d) protected by corporate disclosure practices

Question 10:

a) asking questions
b) paraphrasing the speaker's main points
c) paying attention to non-verbal clues
d) rejecting messages based on personal value systems