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Higher Education


Thomas S. Kane and Heather Pyrcz

The Canadian Oxford Guide to Writing: A Rhetoric and Handbook, Second Canadian edition
ISBN 13: 9780195424362

About the Book

The Canadian Oxford Guide to Writing is a complete handbook and rhetoric, useful to beginning, intermediate, and advanced students of composition. The book starts with an overview of the writing process, before moving on to explore essays, paragraphs, and sentences. It discusses types of writing organized by rhetorical mode. The book also includes a short section on the mechanics of writing and concludes with the handbook section, covering the basics of grammar. This text is the fully updated, second Canadian edition. In the new edition, more than one third of the examples are now by Canadian writers writing across the disciplines. Extensive revisions have streamlined the information and have brought the text up-to-date with recent changes in library sciences, word-processing software, and the Internet.

  • Innovative top-down approach - Beginning with the topics of concept development and research and moving through to sentence structure and proper punctuation, the text explains the elements of academic writing in an order that mirrors the process of writing itself.
  • Excellent chapter on writing arguments - The text has extensive coverage of rhetorical strategy examining both rational and nonrational modes of argument with advice on how to identify and avoid their related fallacies.
  • Extensive Canadian content - Numerous examples, excerpts, and quotes from Canadian authors writing in varied genres are mixed with important non-Canadian ones.
  • Extensive figures and diagrams - Well-designed and clear figures and diagrams help illustrate key concepts.
  • Thoroughly updated - The new edition contains expanded coverage on libraries which discusses digital and Internet resources and material.
  • Exciting new design - The text has been completely redesigned to maximize clarity and readability.

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