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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $63.95

624 pp.
171 mm x 246 mm


Publication date:
April 2011

Imprint: OUP UK

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology

Edited by Thomas P. Flint and Michael Rea

Series : Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology

Philosophical theology is aimed primarily at theoretical understanding of the nature and attributes of God and of God's relationship to the world and its inhabitants. During the twentieth century, much of the philosophical community (both in the Anglo-American analytic tradition and in Continental circles) had grave doubts about our ability to attain any such understanding. In recent years the analytic tradition in particular has moved beyond the biases that placed obstacles in the way of the pursuing questions located on the interface of philosophy and religion. The result has been a rebirth of serious, widely-discussed work in philosophical theology.

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology attempts both to familiarize readers with the directions in which this scholarship has gone and to pursue the discussion into hitherto under-examined areas. Written by some of the leading scholars in the field, the essays in the Handbook are grouped in five sections. In the first ("Theological Prolegomena"), articles focus on the authority of scripture and tradition, on the nature and mechanisms of divine revelation, on the relation between religion and science, and on theology and mystery. The next section ("Divine Attributes") focuses on philosophical problems connected with the central divine attributes: aseity, omnipotence, omniscience, and the like. In Section Three ("God and Creation"), essays explore theories of divine action and divine providence, questions about petitionary prayer, problems about divine authority and God's relationship to morality and moral standards, and various formulations of and responses to the problem of evil. The fourth section ("Topics in Christian Philosophy") examines philosophical problems that arise in connection with such central Christian doctrines as the trinity, the incarnation, the atonement, original sin, resurrection, and the Eucharist. Finally, Section Five ("Non-Christian Philosophical Theology") introduces readers to work that is being done in Jewish, Islamic, and Chinese philosophical theology.

Readership : Suitable for scholars and students of Philosophical Theology, of the Philosophy of Religion, and of Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Confucian Theologies.


  • Review from previous edition: "...the book is well done, has top-notch articles from important people in the field, and makes a valuable contribution"

    --Harry J. Gensler, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 15/09/2009

List of Contributors
Theological ProlegomenaI.
1. Richard Swinburne: Authority of Scripture, Tradition, and the Church
2. Stephen T. Davis: Revelation and Inspiration
3. Del Ratzsch: Science and Religion
4. William J. Wainwright: Theology and Mystery
Divine AttributesII.
5. Jeffrey Brower: Simplicity and Aseity
6. Edward Wierenga: Omniscience
7. William Lane Craig: Divine Eternity
8. Brian Leftow: Omnipotence
9. Hud Hudson: Omnipresence
10. Laura L. Garcia: Moral Perfection
God and CreationIII.
11. Robin Collins: Divine Action and Evolution
12. Thomas Flint: Divine Providence
13. Scott A. Davison: Petitionary Prayer
14. Mark C. Murphy: Morality and Divine Authority
15. Paul Draper: The Problem of Evil
16. Michael J. Murray: Theodicy
17. Michael Bergmann: Skeptical Theism and the Problem of Evil
Topics in Christian Philosophical TheologyIV.
18. Michael Rea: The Trinity
19. Oliver D. Crisp: Original Sin and Atonement
20. Richard Cross: The Incarnation
21. Trenton Merricks: The Resurrection of the Body
22. Jerry Walls: Heaven and Hell
23. Alexander R. Pruss: The Eucharist: Real Presence and Real Absence
Non-Christian Philosophical TheologyV.
24. Daniel Frank: Jewish Philosophical Theology
25. Oliver Leamann: Islamic Philosophical Theology
26. John H. Berthrong: Chinese [Confucian] Philosophical Theology

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Thomas P. Flint and Michael Rea are both Professors of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.

The Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology - Edited by John Webster, Kathryn Tanner and Iain Torrance
The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies - Edited by J. W. Rogerson and Judith M. Lieu
Making Sense - Margot Northey and Joan McKibbin

Special Features

  • Wide-ranging survey of contemporary philosophical theology.
  • Twenty-six contributions from an outstanding international team of authors.
  • Summarises and extends debates to bring readers up-to-date and break new ground.
  • Highlights possibilities for further research in the field.