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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $137.99

Hardback, eBook
464 pp.
56 figures; 3 maps; 21 tables; 92 photos, 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Fundamentals of Health Psychology

Second Edition

Edited by Thomas Hadjistavropoulos and Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos

Experts bring to life current topics and effective solutions in the treatment of health conditions and explore special populations and cross-cultural issues

Featuring an internationally renowned team of authors, this contributed text is a comprehensive overview of the key areas of health psychology in North America and abroad. Emphasizing the application of the latest research and ideas, this engaging introduction offers students the foundation they need to think critically about the most pressing issues in health psychology and to pursue further study in this dynamic field.

Readership : Suitable for health psychology courses offered at the second- or third-year at universities and some colleges.


  • "This is an excellent text. It is a perfect balance between presenting the critical material and doing so in a relevant, accessible fashion. The concept of Canada is not an afterthought in this text-it is embedded at the core, which is critical for the teaching of health psychology in Canada."
    --Elizabeth Russell, Trent University

  • "This is a very comprehensive and up-to-date text. The breadth and scope of the topics covered makes this an attractive choice for those teaching an introductory course in health psychology.... The material is well organized and presented in a logical manner. The prose flows well and the tone is appropriate for university level students. The examples used are topical and engaging."
    --Theresa Bianco, Concordia University

Note: All chapters include:
- Learning Objectives
- Future Directions
- Summary
- Critical Thought Questions
- Recommended Reading
Part One: Fundamentals of Health Psychology
1. Introduction to Health Psychology
Thomas Hadjistavropoulos and Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos
What Is Health Psychology?
A Brief History of Health Psychology
Careers in Health Psychology
Major Theories and Models in Health Psychology
- The Biopsychosocial Model
- Health Belief Model
- Social Cognitive Theory
- Theory of Planned Behaviour
- The Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation/Illness Representation
- Cognitive Behavioural Perspective
- The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change
2. An Introduction to Body Systems and Psychological Influences on Health
Blaine Ditto (McGill University)
Body Systems
- Introduction
- The Cardiovascular System
- The Gastrointestinal System
- The Respiratory System
- The Renal System/Urinary System
- The Immune System
Psychological Influences on Body Systems
- The Peripheral Nervous System
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The Endocrine System
The Development of the Stress Concept
Psychological Factors in the Development of Medical Illnesses
- Gastrointestinal Ulcers: Executive Monkeys and Helpless Rats
- Vasovagal Reactions: A Brief but Dramatic Response
- High Blood Pressure
- Other Diseases
- Development of the Field
- Stress, Immune Function, and Illness
3. Stress, Coping, and Health
Nicholas J.S. Christenfeld, Britta A. Larsen, and Arseny A. Ryazanov
- Good vs. Bad Stress
- Acute vs. Chronic Stress
Stressful Situations
- Job and Primary Role Stress
- Life Events
- Caregiver Stress
- Sociological Stress: SES, Gender, and Race
Contributors to Stress: The Person
Contributors to Stress: The Interaction of Person and Situation
- Problem vs. Emotion-Focused Coping
- Social Support
- The Great Gender Divide
- Other Coping Strategies
Stress and Mental Health
- Stress and Sleep
- Stress Management
- Social Networking, Stress, and Online Social Support
4. Health Psychology within the Health-Care System
Gregory P. Marchildon, Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos, and Gerald P. Koocher
Health Systems in the United States, Canada, and Elsewhere
Impact of Health Systems on Health Psychology
Types of Health Services
Patterns of Health-Care Use
Medical Service Misuse
- Overuse
- Delayed Health Care
Adherence to Medical Care
- Definition and Measurement
- Rates and Predictors of Adherence
- Improving Adherence
Patient Satisfaction
Medical Cost Offset of Psychological Interventions
5. Prevention of Illness and Health Promotion Intervention
James O. Prochaska and Janice M. Prochaska
Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle
Core Constructs of the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change
- Stages of Change
- Processes of Change
- Decisional Balance
Critical Assumptions of TTM
Empirical Support
- Stage Distribution
- Pros and Cons across 12 Behaviours
- Processes of Change across Behaviours
- Relationship between Stages and Process of Change
Applied Studies
Challenging Studies
Increasing Impacts with Multiple Behaviour Change Programs
Applying TTM Interventions to Exercise, Nutrition, and Smoking
Limitations of the Model
6. Eating, Smoking, and Recreational Substance Use NEW
Swati Mehta, Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos, and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos
Eating Behaviour
- Obesity
- Dieting
- Eating Disorders
- Risk Factors
Substance Use Behaviours
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Other Drugs
- Risk Factors
- Eating
- Substance Use
- Eating
- Substance Use
- Alcohol
- Smoking
7. Health Anxiety and Other Psychological Responses to Bodily Symptoms
Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos
Common-Sense Model of Illness Representation/Self-Regulation
- Dimensions of Illness Representations
- Relationship between Illness Representations and Coping Behaviour
- Illness Representations and Health Outcomes
- Determinants of Illness Representations
Health Anxiety
- Clinical Considerations
- Genetics
- Cognitive Behavioural Model of Health Anxiety
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Part Two: Health Conditions
8. Chronic Health Problems: Risk Factors, Prevention, Adjustment, and Management NEW
Michelle M. Gagnon and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos
Chronic Health Problems
- Impact of Chronic Health Conditions
Cross-Cutting Issues in Chronic Health Conditions: Prevention, Adherence, and Adjustment
- Prevention
- Adherence
- Adjustment
Prevention and Psychological Intervention for Chronic Health
- Problems
- Prevention and Promotion
- Psychologists on Social Media
- Self-Management
- Psychological Interventions
9. The Psychology of Pain
Thomas Hadjistavropoulos
Acute vs. Chronic Pain, Prevalence, and Medical Management
Understanding the Nature of Pain
Theories of Pain
- The Operant Model
- The Fear Avoidance Model of Pain
- The Communications Model of Pain
- Cognitive Behavioural Theory of Pain
Psychological Assessment of Pain
- Full History, Co-morbidities, Coping Styles, and Overall Psychological Functioning
- Dimensions of the Pain Experience
- Pain Behaviour: Its Antecedents, Consequences, and Other Situational/Environmental Determinants of the Pain Experience
- Effects of Pain on Quality of Life
Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain
Psychological Management of Acute Pain
10. Cardiovascular Disease
Amanda C. Kentner, Eric J. Connors, Adrienne H. Kovacs, and Sherry L. Grace
Cause of Death: Heartbreak
Cardiovascular Disease Description, Prevalence, and Medical Management
- The Disease Process
- Prevalence of CVD
- Medical Management of CVD
Psychological Factors in Cardiovascular Disease
- Stress
- Social Isolation
- Psychological Disorders
- Personality
- Positive Psychology: Resilience and Coping
Psychological Assessment of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Depression/Anxiety
- Social Support
- Personality Factors
Interventions for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Pharmacotherapy (Medications)
- Psychotherapy
- Psycho-educational and Behavioural Interventions
11. HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Tyler G. Tulloch, Natalie L. Stratton, Stanley Ing, Bojana Petrovic, and Trevor A. Hart
Sexually Transmitted Infections in the National and Global Context
- Overview of STIs in the US and Canada
Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors in HIV/STI Acquisition
- Knowledge, Motivation, and Skills
- Condom Use
- Number of Sexual Partners
- Communication
- Substance Use
- Personality Factors
- Health Disparities
- Minority Stress
- Internet and Social Media
Psychology of Living with HIV/STIs
- Stressors
- Psychiatric Diagnoses
- Coping with HIV
- Medications Adherence
- Assessment of HIV/STI Risk Behaviour and Medication Adherence
Evidence-Based Treatments and Other Interventions
- Theoretical Frameworks Used in Evidence-Based Interventions
- Methods of Delivering Interventions
- Interventions to Prevent HIV and STI Transmission
- Treatments and Interventions Involving People Living with HIV/STIs
12. Cancer
Anne Moyer and Elizabeth A. Sarma
Understanding Cancer
Types and Prevalence of Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Breast Cancer
Medical Management Approaches
Cancer Risk Factors
Biopsychosocial Factors in Cancer Incidence and Progression
Cancer Prevention
Psychosocial Adjustment to Cancer
Psychological Assessment to Cancer
Psychological Interventions for Cancer Patients
Part Three: Special Populations
13. Pediatric Psychology
Christine T. Chambers and Perri R. Tutelman
What Is Pediatric Psychology?
Coping with Chronic Medical Conditions
Adherence to Pediatric Treatment Regimens
Coping with Medical Procedures
Pediatric Chronic Pain
Pediatric Palliative Care
Common Parenting Challenges: Sleeping, Feeding, Toileting
Impact on Family
Technology Applications in Pediatric Psychology: eHealth and Social Media
14. Health Geropsychology
Casey B. Azuero, Rebecca S. Allen, and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos
Working with Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses
- Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Care
- Advance Care Planning
- Family Caregiving and Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain
- Older Adults Who Live Independently in the Community
- Older Adults with Dementia Who Live in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Falls
Behavioural Interventions in Long-Term Care
- Behavioural Activation in Long-Term Care
End of Life Care
Reminiscence Therapy
- Treatments in the Community
- Treatments in Long-Term Care
- Treatments for Individuals Approaching the End of Life
Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Dementia
15. Cross-Cultural Issues in Health Psychology
Jaime Williams and Chantelle Richmond
Introduction: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Issues in Health Psychology
What Is Diversity? Distinguishing among Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
- Hofstede's Value Dimensions of Culture
Cultural Factors and a Biopsychosocial Formulation of Health
- Health Beliefs Expressed Cross-Culturally
Health Disparities among Cultural Groups
- Significant Health Disparities in North America
- Determinants of Health Disparities
- Socio-Economic Status: A Critical Determinant of Health Disparity
- The Effect of Acculturation
Mental Health Issues and Health
- Cross-Cultural Presentation of Psychological Symptoms and Disorders
- Empirically Supported Therapies with Cultural Groups
Names Index
Subject Index

Student Study Guide:
- Chapter summaries
- Self-quizzes
-- 15 multiple choice questions with answers and page references
- Suggested essay topics
- Web links to relevant resources
- Glossary
PowerPoint Slides:
For each chapter:
- 20-25 lecture outline slides
- Includes figures and tables from text
Test Bank:
For each chapter:
- 30 multiple choice questions
- 15 short answer questions
- 7 essay questions
- Answer key with page references
E-Book ISBN 9780199028689
Looseleaf ISBN 9780199034574

Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Ph.D., ABPP, FCAHS is Professor of Clinical Psychology, Research Chair in Aging and Health and Director of the Centre on Aging and Health, University of Regina. He has served as the 2007-2008 President of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). His research, which has been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, AGE WELL Network of National Centres of Excellence and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, focuses on psychological issues in pain. An area of recent focus has been pain assessment and management among seniors with a special emphasis on seniors who have severe limitations in ability to communicate because of dementia. He has been honoured with numerous prestigious awards including a CIHR Investigator Award, the Year 2000 Canadian Pain Society Early Career Award for Excellence in Pain Research, the Canadian Association on Gerontology Distinguished Member Award, the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Career Achievement Award, a Saskatchewan Health Care Excellence Award, and many others. He has also been elected Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association as well as of the American Psychological Association in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the science and profession of psychology. More recently, he was inducted as Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences which represents one of the highest honours available to Canadian Health Scientists. Thomas is Editor-in-Chief of Ethics & Behavior and in the past has served as Editor of Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, Psychology Section Editor of the Canadian Journal on Aging as well as on other editorial boards. He has published over 160 peer reviewed papers and book chapters as well as five books.

Heather D. Hadjistavropoulos (Ph.D. University of British Columbia 1995) is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Regina (U of R), Canada. She founded the Psychology Training Clinic at the U of R in 2002, and trains graduate students in the assessment and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders, commonly among individuals with co-morbid medical conditions. Heather's research is focused on: a) assessing and treating psychological problems that impact health; and b) understanding and improving the quality of health care in an attempt to reduce the burden of illness. Heather received a Canada Innovation Foundation grant to develop a state of the art Clinical Health Psychology research area. She has published and presented her research widely and received funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation. She has been the recipient of many awards for her research as well as her contributions to training and the profession of psychology. In 2010, Dr. Hadjistavropoulos founded the Online Therapy Unit (onlinetherapyuser.ca). This unit has: 1) overseen the development of a website and policies and procedures for the delivery of therapist-assisted Internet-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (I-CBT) in Saskatchewan; 2) trained community providers and graduate students on how to use I-CBT; and, 3) coordinated, monitored and evaluated the delivery of I-CBT for multiple conditions. The Online Therapy Unit is having a substantive impact on delivery of psychological care in Saskatchewan and inspiring the development of similar services in other provinces.

Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Special Features

  • Comparative perspectives offered by expert contributors from Canada and the US encourage students to draw comparisons between countries and expose them to a range of authoritative voices in the field.
  • Three stand-alone chapters on widespread health conditions - cancer, cardiovascular disease, and HIV - offer in-depth coverage of these pervasive health concerns. (Part Two)
  • Features full chapters on Pediatric Psychology (Ch. 13), Health Geropsychology (Ch. 14), and Cross-Cultural Issues in Health Psychology (Ch. 15), giving students an opportunity to learn about the particular issues and challenges that face special populations.
  • Future Directions sections explore the potential impacts of current research and treatments, providing relevant insight to students who may encounter these impacts in their future careers.
  • Engaging theme boxes highlight significant issues, theories, and practice-based solutions.
  • - In Focus boxes offer a closer look at topics such as health promotion, illness prevention, research, and treatment.
  • - In Practice boxes present case studies and show how researchers and other professionals apply theories to explain and solve health issues.
  • Student-friendly tone presents complex topics in a clear way so students can grasp important principles.
  • Visually engaging photos, figures, and tables help students envision and interpret complex concepts and data.
New to this Edition
  • Two new chapters on maladaptive eating and substance-use behaviours (Ch. 6) and chronic health conditions (Ch. 8).
  • Improved content organization to more closely align with the topic order of most course syllabi.
  • New sections on the influences of technology on health, including the internet, social media, and apps.
  • Expanded focus on health behaviours throughout, including exercise, sleep, and diet.
  • Increased coverage of diverse populations, including Indigenous Peoples in Canada, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and refugees.
  • Fully revised chapter introductions now include relatable examples that help students connect key concepts to everyday life.
  • Data and references have been updated throughout to ensure students have the most current resource available.