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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $94.99

288 pp.
1 photos; 2 tables, 6" x 9"


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Imprint: OUP Canada

Gender Relations in Canada

Intersectionalities and Social Change, Second Edition

Janet Siltanen and Andrea Doucet

Series : Themes in Canadian Sociology

Gender Relations in Canada is an accessible examination of the many ways gendered structures and identities are embraced, resisted, and challenged in Canada today. Taking an intersectional approach, this text first presents the major shifts in sociological thinking about gender before moving on to consider how gender shapes our experiences throughout our lives.

Readership : A core text suitable for second- and third-year level gender studies courses offered out of sociology, women's studies, and gender studies departments at universities and general arts and sciences departments at colleges.


  • "This text is rich in both breadth and detail, and it deals with issues in complex and critical ways."
    --Alissa Overend, MacEwan University

  • "Gender Relations in Canada is an excellent text that provides undergraduate students with an up-to-date overview of the field of gender studies from a Canadian perspective."
    --Rebecca Godderis, Wilfrid Laurier University

Note: Each chapter includes:
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Conclusion
- Questions for critical thought
- Research questions
- Suggested further reading
- Websites
- Films
1. Sociology and the Analysis of Gender Relations
The First Sociological Shift: Gender Matters
The Second Sociological Shift: Interrogating Gender
- Insight 1: Gender is a vantage point of critique - but we need to recognize multiple vantage points.
- Insight 2: Gender is a social construction - but it is actively constructed in diverse and embodied ways.
- Insight 3: Gender is realized in social structures and institutions - but these are dynamic, multi-layered, and relational contexts.
- Insight 4: Gender is a relation of power and inequality - but we need to analyze these as intersectional phenomena and recognize that equality must accommodate difference.
The Third Sociological Shift: Gender Complexity in Context
- Insight 1: Gender as a vantage point of critique continues - however, there is a need to challenge complacency by maintaining a critical perspective, and to guard against the marginalization and depoliticization of gender.
- Insight 2: Gender is a social construction - but we need to reconsider the construction of "normal" and continue to explore the production of gender as involving the fluidity, complexity, and performativity of everyday practices and identities.
- Insight 3: Gender is realized in social structures and institutions - and we need to monitor and challenge how structural institutional changes are threatening progress on gender issues and equality.
- Insight 4: Gender is a relation of power and inequality - and greater attention needs to be given to different sites and dynamics of power, to intersecting complexities of inequality and oppression, and to emerging practices of dissent and social change.
Conclusion: Sociology and the Analysis of Gender Relations
2. Becoming Gendered
Gender, Sexuality and Biological Sex: Moving beyond Dichotomies and Essentialism
- Against Essentializing and Dichotomizing Sex
- Against Essentializing and Dichotomizing Gender
From the Beginning - Becoming Gendered
Gendered Childhoods in a Postmodern World
- Competitive Pressures, Especially Re: Schooling
- Blurred Child - Adult Boundaries
- There Is No Such Thing as Society - Extreme Individualism
- Market-Based Consumerism
- Risk/Safety
Negotiating Multiple Masculinities and Femininities
3. Hegemonic Gender and Intersecting Relations of Dominance NEW
Encounters with Hegemonic Gender
- Celebrating Domination
- Denying Domination
- Ignoring Domination
- Domination as Entertainment
Masculinities - Hegemonic and Otherwise
- Addressing Critiques of Initial Formulations of Hegemonic Masculinity
- Why Does Misuse of the Concept of Hegemonic Masculinity Continue
Femininities - Hegemonic and Otherwise
- Mimi Schipper's Development of Hegemonic Gender
Moving Forward on Theories of Hegemonic Gender
Identifying Hegemonic Gender and the Significance of Context
- Context 1: Fifty Shades of Grey
- Context 2: Grand Theft Auto
- Context 3: Men's Competitive Ice Hockey
- Context 4: Sexual Harassment and Violence on University Campuses
- Context 5: Marriage - Who Takes Whose Name?
- Context 6: Canadian Citizenship Ceremonies
Challenging Intersecting Relations of Dominance
4. Doing and Undoing: Gender, Performativity, and Social Change NEW
Doing Gender and Performativity
Doing Gender
- Gender as Accomplishment
- Gender as performances (and not as an Essence)
- Doing Gender and Accountability
Critiques of "Doing Gender"
Judith Butler and Performativity
- Gender and Sexuality
- Acts and Repetition
- A Focus on Becoming and on Embodiment
Critiques of Judith Butler's Approach to Gender Performativity
- Subjects and Subjectivities
- Performativity and Non-fixity
- Politics and Social Change
Differences Between Doing Gender and Gender Performativity
Undoing Gender
- Stories of Undoing
Performativity and Intersectionality
5. Paid and Unpaid Work, Changing Families, and Intersectionality
Gender and Paid Work
- A Male Model of Work: Historical Perspectives
- Inside the "Male" Model of Work: Women's Labour as Invisible
- The Rise of Female Breadwinners: The Loss or Persistence of a Male Model of Paid Work?
Gender and Unpaid Work
- Defining Unpaid Work
- Why Do Differences Matter?
Theorizing Paid and Unpaid Work: Social Reproduction Theory
- Interconnections between Work and Home and Paid and Unpaid Work
- Social Reproduction as a Theoretical Lens
- Child-Care Policies
A Changing Portrait of Canadian Families
6. Intersectionality, Citizenship, and Activism NEW
Citizenship as an Exclusionary Term
- Gendered Citizenship
- Racialized Citizenship
- Other Intersections: Class, Ability, Sexuality, and Age
Neoliberalism, Gender, and the Rise of the Consumer Citizen
- Gender and the War on Terror
How Do Alternate Forms of Citizenship Position Gender?
- Sexual Citizenship
- Indigenous Citizenship
The Gendering of Youth Citizenship
- Institutional Constraints on Young Women's Civic Engagement
- Young People's Activism in a Complex Social World
7. Researching the Complexity of Gender: Intersectionality and Beyond
The Complexity of Gender - An Intersectional Approach to Research
- What Can Be Assumed about Gender at the Beginning of the Research?
- What Life Experiences Need to Be Included in an Intersectional Analysis?
- What Assumptions Can Be Made about the Relative Positioning of the Many Categories of Identities, Positionalities, and Inequalities Included in the Analysis?
- What Kind of Evidence is Required?
Limitations of Intersectional Approaches and Implications for Research
- Misidentification
- Appropriation
- Reification
- Institutionalization
- Operationalization
General Considerations Regarding "Good" Research Practices
Moving the Sociology of Gender Complexities and Intersectionality Forward

E-Book (ISBN 9780199006946)

Janet Siltanen is professor of sociology at Carleton University, cross-appointed to the Institute of Political Economy. Having received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, she taught at the University of Edinburgh before moving to Carleton University. She has held number of professional posts, including director of the Centre for Labour and Community Research (2006-2013), sociology department graduate chair (2006-2009), and director of the Institute of Political Economy (2010-12). Professor Siltanen is extensively published in the areas of gender, work, community, stratification, and political economy.

Andrea Doucet is professor at Brock University, cross-appointed with the Department of Sociology and Department of Women's Studies. She also holds the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair of Gender, Work, and Care. Professor Doucet is widely published and recognized in Canada and abroad for her research. Her work involves ethnographic research on meanings and daily practices of caregiving responsibilities, especially for fathers; methodological, epistemological, ethical, and ontological issues in knowing with and from narrative accounts; and attentiveness to genealogies of concept formation, especially concepts of responsibility, embodiment, time, care, and work. She was also recently awarded the John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award from the Canadian Sociological Association.

Gender in Society Reader - Amy Kaler
The Gendered Society - Michael S. Kimmel and Jacqueline Holler
Deconstructing Men & Masculinities - Michael Atkinson
Canadian Perspectives in Sexualities Studies - Edited by Diane Naugler
Sociology of the Body - Claudia Malacrida and Jacqueline Low

Special Features

  • Intersectional approach closely examines interconnected forms of inequality and oppression to help students explore the complexity, diversity, and power dynamics that shape gendered experience.
  • Strong theoretical coverage includes perspectives from a wide range of gender studies scholars and documents major shifts in sociological thinking about gendered identities.
  • Cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics - such as consumption, citizenship, "doing gender," and unpaid labour - gives students a thorough introduction to the field.
  • Canadian perspectives, examples, and research helps students understand the key issues shaping gender experience and relations in Canada today.
  • Part of the well-regarded Themes in Canadian Sociology series, known for its clear and concise approach to current research and trends in the discipline.
New to this Edition
  • Three new chapters examining hegemonic gender (Ch. 3), gender performativity (Ch. 4), and gendered citizenship (Ch. 6) help readers better understand how gender is socially constructed and realized.
  • Fully revised and extended opening chapter covering the most recent shifts in sociological theorizing around gender. (Ch. 1)
  • Fascinating real-world examples - including violence on university campuses, men's ice hockey, Fifty Shades of Grey, and Muslim women wearing hijab - help students apply theoretical concepts to a variety of contemporary cultural contexts.