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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $73.99

216 pp.
3 figures, 6" x 9"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Case Studies in Educational Foundations

Canadian Perspectives

Shelley Hasinoff and David Mandzuk

Drawing on the experiences of educators from across Canada, this collection of case studies encourages students to use perspectives from history, philosophy, and sociology of education as conceptual lenses for analyzing each case. By learning to employ these lenses, students will gradually develop the skills they need to handle the challenges and uncertainties they will encounter in classrooms throughout their careers.

Readership : Educational foundations courses taken as part of a pre-service B.Ed program at the university level.


  • "This book has the potential to contribute to important advances in reshaping the course of Canadian education - it should be required reading for pre-service and in-service teachers alike!"
    --Edwin B. Wasiak, University of Lethbridge

  • "There is a nice balance between theoretical concepts found in the foundations of education - history, philosophy, and sociology - and the more practical concepts found in the case studies. . . . . All the topics presented are real, believable, and challenging for a student or new teacher."
    --Olive Ridler, Nipissing University

1. Why the Foundations of Education Matter
The History of Education
- Why the History of Education Matters
- Essential Questions
The Philosophy of Education
- Why the Philosophy of Education Matters
- Essential Questions
The Sociology of Education
- Why the Sociology of Education Matters
- Essential Questions
2. Myths
What are Myths?
What Myths Pervade Education?
- Students
- Teachers
- Context
The Cases:
- This Suit's for Wearing
- When I Grow Up I Want to BeEL
- Who Cares?
- Flipping Burgers
- Missing in Action
- Just in Time
- Who Pays?
- Whose Culture? Who's Teaching?
- Unmasking Hallowe'en
- No Space for God Here
3. Bandwagons
What are Bandwagons?
What Bandwagons Pervade Education?
- Students
- Teachers
- Context
The Cases:
- Alone in a Crowd
- Be the Change
- Let Them Eat Cake!
- The Future is Now
- Blurred Reflections
- DEAR Me!
- A Test of Wills
- Teaching for Dummies
- Corporate Takeover
- Over the Rainbow
4. Moral Panics
What are Moral Panics?
What Moral Panics Pervade Education?
- Students
- Teachers
- Context
The Cases:
- A Place to Belong?
- A Stitch in Time
- Brave New World?
- On-Line or Off -Base?
- Bang! Bang! You're Dead!
- A Lapse in Judgement
- A Cougar in the Schoolhouse
- No Beeping Song!
- Gangster Fashion
- Character Counts
5. Conclusion
- Students: Increasing Diversity
- Teachers: Changing Roles
- Subject Matter: Disintegrating Boundaries
- Context: Widening Disparities in Society

Companion Website
Links to online news articles related to the cases discussed in the text
Links to online videos related to the cases discussed
Discussion questions linked to the news articles and video clips
Case matrix grid
E-Book (ISBN 9780199001033):
Available through CourseSmart.com

Shelley Hasinoff, Ph.D., has been teaching for over 30 years at all levels and in three Canadian provinces. She has acted as a resource teacher, a coordinator for gifted and talented students, a faculty associate in the Middle Years program at the University of Manitoba, a principal of a private school, and an assessment and evaluation consultant and coordinator of the Independent Education Unit for Manitoba Education. She is currently an independent education consultant.

David Mandzuk, Ph.D., taught in the public school system in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for 20 years. In 2000, he joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba as an assistant professor in Middle Years education; in 2003, he was appointed Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs); in 2006, he became an associate professor and in 2013, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education.

Educational Foundations in Canada - Alan Edmunds, Jodi Nickel and Ken Badley
Making Sense in Education - Margot Northey, Kristen Ferguson and Jon G. Bradley

Special Features

  • Thirty Canadian case studies make key lessons highly relevant and relatable to educators in this country.
  • Written by experts from across Canada, this collection gives students an authoritative look at hot-button education issues.
  • Covers issues in the history, philosophy, and sociology of education, asking teacher-candidates to consider each case study from multiple perspectives.
  • Unique thematic structure uses "myths," "bandwagons," and "moral panics" sections to illustrate hot-button issues that spark public debate in newspapers, blogs, and television shows.
  • Critical thinking questions encourage students to consider how foundational theory applies to the practice of everyday teaching.