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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $64.99

400 pp.
208 mm x 140 mm


Publication date:
January 2010

Imprint: OUP US

Theories of Delinquency

An Examination of Explanations of Delinquent Behavior, Sixth Edition

Donald J. Shoemaker

Theories of Delinquency is a comprehensive survey of the theoretical approaches towards understanding delinquent behavior. Donald Shoemaker aptly presents all major individualistic and sociological theories in a standard format with basic assumptions, important concepts, and critical evaluations. Theories covered include biological and psychological explanations, anomie and social disorganization, differential association, drift theory, labeling theory, critical theories, and explanations of female delinquency. Now in its sixth edition, Theories of Delinquency contains up-to-date discussions based on current research throughout, extensive revisions to control theories, especially the general theory of crime, and expanded coverage of integrated and cutting-edge theories. Clearly written, consistently organized, and now thoroughly updated, Theories of Delinquency remains essential reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of crime and delinquency.

Readership : Students and scholars taking courses in delinquency and criminological theory in sociology, criminology, criminal justice, and social work departments.

1. Explanations of Delinquency
The Problem of Delinquency
The Issue of Causality
What Is a Theory?
Verification of Theories
The Plan of This Book
2. The Classical School: Issues of Choice and Reasoning
Historical Overview
Rational Choice Theory
3. Biological and Biosocial Explanations
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
Somatotypes and Delinquency
Inheritance and Delinquency
Emerging Trends in Biological Explanations of Delinquency
4. Psychological Theories
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
Intelligence and Delinquency
The Psychiatric-Psychoanalytic Approach
General Personality Characteristics
5. Social Disorganization and Anomie
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
Social Disorganization
Anomie and Delinquency: Discontinuities in Society
6. Lower-Class-Based Theories of Delinquency
Historical Overview and Generic Assumptions
Cohen and the Middle-Class Measuring Rod
Cloward and Ohlin's Theory of Differential Opportunity Structure
Miller's Theory of Lower-Class Culture and Delinquency
7. Interpersonal and Situational Explanations
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
Differential Association
Drift and Delinquency
8. Control Theories
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
Personal Controls
Social Controls-The Social Bond
A General Theory of Crime
9. Labeling Theory
Historical Overview
Generic Assumptions
10. The Radical Theory of Delinquency
Historical Overview
Beyond "Radical" Theory
11. Female Delinquency
Historical Overview
Basic Biological and Psychological Approaches
Gender Roles and Delinquency
Women's Emancipation
Power-Control Theory
Feminist Explanations of Female Delinquency
12. Delinquency Theory: An Integrative Approach
Integrated Theories: Some Considerations and a Proposed Model
Author Index
Subject Index

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Donald J. Shoemaker is Professor of Sociology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Special Features

  • This text is unique in that it focuses on juveniles and on explanations of delinquency, not on treatment programs.